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  • Our Butter Me Up wood conditioner offers a convienant way to keep your wooden goods looking new! Since we coat our wooden toys with organic coconut MCT oil and local beeswax, you can expect that this is exactly what you'll find in Butter Me Up if you want the convienance of a swipe and wipe. Taking care of your wooden items through oiling will not only keep them looking new, but it will also help preserve it for generations to come.

    Why the change from expeller-pressed to MCT?: We have recently switched over from using organic expeller-pressed coconut oil to organic coconut MCT oil! This is because we have received feedback about concerns over the hardened coconut oil being confused with mold/fungus. If you cook with coconut oil, you'll notice the changes in appearance during temperature changes- hardened when cool and liquid when warm. While this concern can easily be remedied by sticking the wooden item in your oven on the lowest temperature until the coconut oil melts (or rubbing the spot with your hands to warm the coconut oil), we've decided to switch to coconut MCT oil. Coconut MCT oil also has a deeper penetration in the wood and has tons of benefits beyond coating toys but unfortauntely has no smell, so the pleasant coconut smell that was on all our wooden items before will no longer be. 

    ***SOLD OUT***Since we have made the switch, we're making the original Butter Me Up 50% off while supplies last. The ingredients for the original is what we previously used on all our toys- organic expeller pressed coconut oil and local beeswax. The type of coconut oil is the only difference. Rest assured- although organic coconut MCT oil is more expensive than what was previously used, there won't be a price increase from this.

    BUTTER ME UP (Wood Conditioner) 2oz

    • - organic coconut MCT oil

      - local beeswax

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