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Our Story

This idea of a family economy grew from the desire that many of us have- yearning for the traditional ways of life where the nuclear family integrally worked together to disciple their children through work and pass down an inheritance of knowledge and trade that is far more valuable than money. We grew up in the “normal” western way of the entire family being separated- children sent to daycares and schools, both parents working, then off to college to climb the corporate ladder, marriage and children, then repeat the cycle. A few years into our marriage and a couple of children later, the world turned upside down and many eyes were opened. With both of us now working from home, we had a little more time and that’s when we got into gardening, foraging, and medicine making. We realized that a lot of ancestral knowledge had been lost and there was this drive for self-sufficiency. Little by little, the more we learned, the more we became aware and the more we felt the pull to being integrated as a family. Through the world’s chaos, we were able to work towards sacrificing many earthly possessions for Ciara to become a homemaker. During the same time, we joined a new church community and were once again astonished to learn about so many other families who were already living a self-sufficient life or striving towards that, in many different forms.

In this setting, we were introduced to the term “family economy” which is getting back to the way it use to be and always was before modernization- families being integrated in such a way that each member is uniquely important and are all crucial active participants in the glorious work of Christ which shows through all workings like animal husbandry, gardening, domestic duties (cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc.), home repairs, woodworking, and so much more. It was through these conversations, reading multiple books on this matter, seeking wise counsel, planning, and much prayer that Josh decided he would leave the corporate world to complete his mission of starting our business and working together as a family economy. He realized that even working from home pulled him away from his family while also not being something he could teach and pass down to his children. Now, while Josh works in the shop or around the home, our sons are out helping the best they can and learning various skills alongside him. While Ciara attends the home, the girls are alongside helping and learning different skills beside her. Through working together, not only do children grow to learn they are valued (because they absolutely are!), but they also realize and internalize how important their participation is in and around the home.

As we look back and consider how we were led to start Rooted Pines Homestead- all the stretching and growing that had to happen- our Triune God’s providence becomes very clear. We are deeply thankful for all the lives He has used to shape and mold ours.


Soli Deo gloria!

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